Medical Tyranny
EXTREME COMMON USE. Virtually anything that takes away medical freedom or related to it is Medical Tyranny. When government passes laws, when corporations censor information or require vaccinations, when citizens are oppressed, etc. Basically almost everything falls under this.
Dr. Mike Yeadon – Independent Scientist Attacked For Speaking Truth To COVID
Texas Nurse Fired for Refusing Covid Vaccine
CDC: maximum 28 CT for post-vaccine COVID PCR tests
Read the original article: As reported by Daniel Horowitz at Blaze Media, the new CDC guidance for “COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough case investigation” – meaning people who tested positive after getting vaccinated – says PCR tests should be set at 28 CT or lower. The stated reason for the 28 CT maximum is to avoid … Read more
Texas: Bill Preventing Businesses From Firing Those Without COVID Vax Stalled By Republican Legislator
Innate immunity is the cornerstone of herd immunity against acute viral infections
Dramatic moment Danish vaccine chief FAINTS during a Covid conference announcing the permanent ban of AstraZeneca jab
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