Tucker Carlson Interview with Hooman Noorchashm MD, PhD on college COVID-19 vaccine mandates

https://rumble.com/vie6r5-tucker-carlson-interview-with-hooman-noorchashm-md-phd-on-college-covid-19-.html   In this interview Hooman Noorchashm MD, PhD, a physician, Immunologist and public health advocate discusses: 1) emerging data on natural immunity, 2) his dissenting expert opinion on indiscriminate vaccination of naturally immune persons and 3) his family’s personal experience with vaccination and mandates. THIS VIDEO CLIP WAS BLOCKED BY YOUTUBE ON 6/11/21 FOR … Read more

Bret Weinstein

Bret Weinstein

Evolutionary Theorist // Professor in Exile Runs the DarkHorse podcast which has shed a deep scientific light on COVID-19, the mRNA vaccine, censorship, and the worldwide vaccination agenda. https://bretweinstein.net/