Anything found in the mainstream news media or non-mainstream.
Tucker Carlson Interview with Hooman Noorchashm MD, PhD on college COVID-19 vaccine mandates In this interview Hooman Noorchashm MD, PhD, a physician, Immunologist and public health advocate discusses: 1) emerging data on natural immunity, 2) his dissenting expert opinion on indiscriminate vaccination of naturally immune persons and 3) his family’s personal experience with vaccination and mandates. THIS VIDEO CLIP WAS BLOCKED BY YOUTUBE ON 6/11/21 FOR … Read more
Even Newsweek is Reporting on a 13-yo Dying in His Sleep Following Covid ‘Vaccine’
Even Newsweek is Reporting on a 13-yo Dying in His Sleep Following Covid ‘Vaccine’
Tucker Carlson 7/2/21 – Unmask the Kids, Stephanie De Garay’s daughter harmed by vaccine
Deaths From Vaccine Top 6,000 – FDA Issues Warning After Spike in Cases of Fatal Heart Inflammation
Bret Weinstein
Evolutionary Theorist // Professor in Exile Runs the DarkHorse podcast which has shed a deep scientific light on COVID-19, the mRNA vaccine, censorship, and the worldwide vaccination agenda.
Stew Peters interviews Dr Jane Ruby who confirms the magnetic effects that Covid vaxxed people have experienced
Amazon TV Series Had Scientists Create Sterilization Bio-Weapon Hidden In Vaccine