Mass Vaccinations
VERY commonly used… Anything where people get vaccinated… generally if it involves vaccines, this category should be checked. Almost everything falls under this.
Vaccine-Injured Start #Wewanttobeheard Campaign
Nz Minister For C-19 Response Chris Hipkins: “We Will Be Chasing After People Who Aren’T Vaccinated”
15 million Americans have skipped 2nd Covid shot…
Doctors warn COVID-19 mRNA shots have long-lasting effects but offer advice if you’ve submitted to experiment
Doctors warn COVID-19 mRNA shots have long-lasting effects but offer advice if you’ve submitted to experiment
Jen Psaki Says They’re Pressing to Get Kids Vaccinated, Too, With ‘Strike Forces’
Vaccinated Israeli Student Catches COVID from Vaccinated Relative and Then Infects 83 High School Students — But Please Take your Vaccines!
Vaccinated Israeli Student Catches COVID from Vaccinated Relative and Then Infects 83 High School Students — But Please Take your Vaccines!
Tyrants Are On Step 8 Of Their 10 Step Plan
Charles Hoff, MD – blood clots, D-Dimer test Nine Patients Permanently Disabled
Clots caused by spike protein D-Dimer test to look for blood clots
The COVID-19 Era Taught Us: Don’t Trust, Verify
The COVID-19 Era Taught Us: Don’t Trust, Verify