Rarely used. Reserved for things that are from leading scientists, scientific evidence, governments, and has a massive effect on medical freedom. Important things will be relevant 10 years from now and not just a sensational headline like “Paris Hilton died of COVID” or “Mom protests school board”. These are things that the 5 minute sound-bite reader must see first.
Dr. Robert Malone joins Tucker to discuss the Project Veritas video exposing Pfizer
Fascist Google Runs Cover for Pfizer After Project Veritas Bombshell Video
Google hates the truth. They always have. They’re in the business of narrative-building and the narrative they’re building regarding the recent Project Veritas bombshell is a lie: “Nothing to see here.” Here’s what Project Veritas noticed on Thursday: Something odd is happening when you Google Search for "Pfizer Project Veritas" 🤔 @pfizer#DirectedEvolution — Project Veritas (@Project_Veritas) January … Read more
Biden admin pressured Twitter to censor medical experts who questioned CDC Covid guidance on vaccines
Dec 26, 2022 “Twitter made a decision, via the political leanings of senior staff, and govt pressure, that the public health authorities’ approach to the pandemic – prioritizing mitigation over other concerns – was ‘The Science,’” Zweig reports. A new round of Twitter Files dropped on Monday morning, revealing the extent to which the federal government, under … Read more
ALL PARENTS MUST WATCH THIS! Biotech Analyst Karen Kingston is urging parents to be cautious when following the childhood immunization schedule. Mainly because vaccine manufacturers may be changing their traditional vaccines to MRNA. WATCH: — The Absolute Truth with Emerald Robinson (@AbsoluteWithE) December 23, 2022
Covid Shots Damage Heart in ALL Recipients, Study Finds
Frank BergmanDecember 23, 2022 – 12:57 pm A bombshell new study is raising the alarm after discovering that all recipients of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines have some degree of heart damage. The study, carried out by researchers in Switzerland, found elevated levels of the protein troponin in all of the vaccine recipients it analyzed. The findings indicate … Read more
WHO: “Anti-vaccine activism, which I actually call anti-science aggression, has now become a major killing force globally.”
“Anti-vaccine activism, which I actually call anti-science aggression, has now become a major killing force globally."– @PeterHotez, Professor and Dean @BCM_TropMed, on the devastating impact of #misinformation and disinformation. — World Health Organization (WHO) (@WHO) December 14, 2022
AFFIRMED: No COVID-19 Shot Mandate For Federal Contractors
Editorial Note by The PDF of the court case is presented below. The ruling is a very mixed bag because it could have easily gone the other way. The dissenting judge makes the opposite argument of the majority ruling. Without Medical Freedom Act, we are merely subjects of politically appointed judges. BATON ROUGE, LA … Read more