Rarely used. Reserved for things that are from leading scientists, scientific evidence, governments, and has a massive effect on medical freedom. Important things will be relevant 10 years from now and not just a sensational headline like “Paris Hilton died of COVID” or “Mom protests school board”. These are things that the 5 minute sound-bite reader must see first.
Vaccine Harassers Can Be Charged!
Vaccine Harassers Can Be Charged!
Astonishing Spike in Post-Vaccine Deaths Gets No Media Coverage as Over 2,000 Reported THIS WEEK Alone
Astonishing Spike in Post-Vaccine Deaths Gets No Media Coverage as Over 2,000 Reported THIS WEEK Alone
Mom, 45, Who Got Job at John Hopkins Hospital Dies After Reaction to Work-Mandated Covid Vaccine
DEPOPULATION ALERT: Shocking new study reveals covid vaccine TERMINATES 4 out of 5 pregnancies via “spontaneous abortions” DEPOPULATION ALERT: Shocking new study reveals covid vaccine TERMINATES 4 out of 5 pregnancies via “spontaneous abortions” Thursday, July 01, 2021 by: Mike Adams Tags: abortions, badhealth, badmedicine, badscience, depopulation, junk science, miscarriage, population control, pregnancy, science fraud, spontaneous abortions, unborn babies, Vaccine deaths, vaccine wars, vaccines Bypass censorship by sharing this link: Copy URL 61KVIEWS (Natural News) A shocking new study published in the New England Journal of … Read more
Dr. Robert Malone, mRNA Vaccine Inventor, on the Bioethics of Experimental Vaccines and the ‘Ultimate Gaslighting’
Dr. Jane Ruby – Leaked Airline Documents Reveal Horrific Details About ‘Vaccinated’ Pilots [June 21, 2021]
mRNA Vaccine Inventor Calls For Stop Of Covid Vaccine
Preliminary Study of La Quinta Columna Discovering Graphene Oxide in mRNA Vaccine Using Optical and Scanning Electron Microscope
PDF: Analysis Of The Official Preliminary Report Of The Vaccine Analysis 2021-07-08 14_24_18-MICROSCOPIA_DE_VIAL_CORMINATY_DR_CAMPRA_FIRMA_E_1_fusionado.pdf – Foxit PDF Edit 2021-07-08 14_24_52-MICROSCOPIA_DE_VIAL_CORMINATY_DR_CAMPRA_FIRMA_E_1_fusionado.pdf – Foxit PDF Edit 2021-07-08 14_25_12-MICROSCOPIA_DE_VIAL_CORMINATY_DR_CAMPRA_FIRMA_E_1_fusionado.pdf – Foxit PDF Edit 2021-07-08 14_25_28-MICROSCOPIA_DE_VIAL_CORMINATY_DR_CAMPRA_FIRMA_E_1_fusionado.pdf – Foxit PDF Edit 2021-07-08 14_25_44-MICROSCOPIA_DE_VIAL_CORMINATY_DR_CAMPRA_FIRMA_E_1_fusionado.pdf – Foxit PDF Edit 2021-07-08 14_26_15-MICROSCOPIA_DE_VIAL_CORMINATY_DR_CAMPRA_FIRMA_E_1_fusionado.pdf – Foxit PDF Edit