Reports of Serious Injuries After Vaccines Surge as CDC Says Vaccinated May Be as Likely to Spread COVID as Unvaxxed
Reports of Serious Injuries After Vaccines Surge as CDC Says Vaccinated May Be as Likely to Spread COVID as Unvaxxed
Rarely used. Reserved for things that are from leading scientists, scientific evidence, governments, and has a massive effect on medical freedom. Important things will be relevant 10 years from now and not just a sensational headline like “Paris Hilton died of COVID” or “Mom protests school board”. These are things that the 5 minute sound-bite reader must see first.
Reports of Serious Injuries After Vaccines Surge as CDC Says Vaccinated May Be as Likely to Spread COVID as Unvaxxed
CDC, FDA Faked ‘Covid’ Testing Protocol by Using Human Cells Mixed With Common Cold Virus Fragments
CDC Admits Covid ‘Vaccines’ Don’t Work
Dr. Joseph Mercola: Children Are Safe From COVID-19
Original article: Here’s a punch in the gut for a nation that’s already hurting. As it turns out, the so-called “gold standard” testing referenced by so many “doctors” like Anthony Fauci, as well as government officials across the board, has had its Emergency Use Authorization revoked. The CDC announced, albeit quietly, on Wednesday … Read more