Pulmonary Nurse For 31 Years Testifies How He Unknowingly Killed Patients Following Hospital Protocols, PCR testing fraud
Source Link: https://www.bitchute.com/video/XdT8w3iWlhBl/ https://www.bitchute.com/video/XdT8w3iWlhBl/
Rarely used. Reserved for things that are from leading scientists, scientific evidence, governments, and has a massive effect on medical freedom. Important things will be relevant 10 years from now and not just a sensational headline like “Paris Hilton died of COVID” or “Mom protests school board”. These are things that the 5 minute sound-bite reader must see first.
Also See De-population Agenda Also See Georgia Guidestones Regardless of what one feels about these personalities, this is of historical value. This originally aired on Jesse Ventura’s TV show called “Conspiracy Theory” – Season 1, Episode 5. Here is the video clip from “Conspiracy Theory” mentioning using vaccines for “the great culling” and to sterilize us … Read more