Employer Mandated Vaccinations
examples of employers mandating vaccines as a condition of employment
Do Not Quit Your Job
Excerpt: As the mandates are increasing and the “deadlines” fast approach, YOU SHOULD NOT QUIT YOUR JOB. Do not be fooled if your boss says you must resign. Make your boss fire you and do not sign anything or agree to anything that says otherwise. Do not agree with “voluntary resignation.” If you are fired, ... Read more
Connecticut Allows Patients, Their Doctors, and Local Health Officials to Access COVID-19 Vaccination Records
Excerpt: By Ella Kietlinska August 20, 2021 Updated: August 20, 2021 biggersmaller Print Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont issued an executive order that allows patients and their doctors to access patients’ own COVID-19 vaccination digital records stored in the state information system. The order also permits local health officials and school nurses to access the vaccination status of people ... Read more
JetBlue Not Yet Committed to Vaccinations for Employees – Discussing
Excerpt: JetBlue CEO shares challenges ahead of first transatlantic flight CNN's Richard Quest boards JetBlue Airlines first transatlantic flight and discusses the travel challenges JetBlue CEO Robin Hayes dealt with ahead of the New York to London route's launch. https://www.cnn.com/videos/business/2021/08/12/jetblue-first-new-york-london-flight-qmb-vpx.cnnbusiness/video/playlists/business-aviation/
Nurses and Hospital Workers – Considered Heroes During Vaccine-Less COVID Pandemic – Now Being Fired by Healthcare Nazis
Excerpt: by JD Heyes August 20, 2021 in Defending Our Rights, Healthcare, Leftism Reading Time: 7 mins read As the Biden regime and Democrat drones around the country continue to implement COVID-19 vaccination mandates, more and more Americans are rising up and saying ‘no,’ and that includes health care professionals like highly skilled, highly experienced nurses. In Houston, for ... Read more
Revolver Exclusive: Navy Commander Warns of National Security Threat from Mandatory Vaccination
Excerpt: August 15, 2021 (3d ago) TwitterTelegramFacebookLinkedInRedditEmailSMS Experience Revolver without ads Hide ads now Support Revolver By Going AD-FREE CHECK OUT THE NEWS FEED — FOLLOW US ON GAB — CHECK OUT THE MERCH STORE An officer with the U.S. Navy is warning of a full-blown “national security threat” if the military moves ahead with its planned universal COVID-19 vaccination ... Read more
Mandatory COVID Vaccines At Tyson Foods Leads To Walkout Amid Food Supply Crisis
Excerpt: by JD Heyes August 15, 2021 The Marxists behind the regime and the deep state were working their ‘magic’ to turn our country into a socialist gulag with them in charge little by little, like the proverbial frog in the frying pan. Now, with the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, they’re engaged in a full sprint ... Read more
Another 800 join first responders’ class action lawsuit against vaccine requirements
Source Link: https://www.kitv.com/story/44523635/another-800-join-first-responders-class-action-lawsuit-against-vaccine-requirements Excerpt: The proposed class consists of all current and future first responders on Oahu and Maui subjected to the current COVID-19 vaccine mandate. Saturday, August 14th 2021, 8:41 PM HST by Diane Ako PATRICK T. FALLON/AFP/Getty Images HONOLULU - We're following that class action lawsuit that 1,200 first responders filed against Honolulu and Maui Counties ... Read more
Employer Mandated Vaccines – Your Lack of Rights
Harmeet K. Dhillon @pnjaban I’ve had to break the news to hundreds of people who call, email: given the federal and state employment agency and DOJ guidance on legality of employers mandating vaccines (which I disagree with and which is at odds with how they treat similar issues), workers have few rights. / 2/ Absent … Read more