Imperfect Vaccination Can Enhance the Transmission of Highly Virulent Pathogens

pbio.1002198 Excerpt:  Andrew F. Read , Susan J. Baigent, Claire Powers, Lydia B. Kgosana, Luke Blackwell, Lorraine P. Smith, David A. Kennedy, Stephen W. Walkden-Brown, Venugopal K. Nair Imperfect Vaccination Can Enhance the Transmission of Highly Virulent Pathogens Andrew F. Read, Susan J. Baigent, Claire Powers, Lydia B. Kgosana, Luke Blackwell, Lorraine P. Smith, David A. ... Read more

The history behind the chocolate hoax

Excerpt:  By Damaris Colhoun JULY/AUGUST 2015 aSHARE ON TWITTERbSHARE ON FACEBOOKEMAIL THIS STORY HOW MUCH CHOCOLATE DOES IT TAKE TO FOOL A JOURNALIST? Turns out not much. Earlier this month, Peter Onneken and Diana Löbl, a pair of documentary filmmakers from Germany, and John Bohannon, a biologist and science journalist based at Harvard, revealed that they ... Read more

Secret Cold War tests in St. Louis cause worry

Full Article: October 3, 2012 / 9:58 PM / AP ST. LOUIS Doris Spates was a baby when her father died inexplicably in 1955. She has watched four siblings die of cancer, and she survived cervical cancer. After learning that the Army conducted secret chemical testing in her impoverished St. Louis neighborhood at the … Read more

Reflections on the 1976 Swine Flu Vaccination Program Abstract In 1976, 2 recruits at Fort Dix, New Jersey, had an influenzalike illness. Isolates of virus taken from them included A/New Jersey/76 (Hsw1n1), a strain similar to the virus believed at the time to be the cause of the 1918 pandemic, commonly known as swine flu. Serologic studies at Fort Dix suggested that … Read more

Neurological complications of swine influenza vaccination

Read entire article: Abstract The emphasis upon the remarkably large number of cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome which resulted from the 1976 National Swine Influenza immunization program in the U.S.A. has obscured the fact that other neurological complications, involving the central nervous system also occurred. The anatomical distribution of lesions is almost identical with that … Read more